Beaumaris Castle

Things to See

Beaumaris Castle

A, dare we say it, absolute cracker of a castle with classic proportions and perfect symmetry. The last hurrah of Edward I’s massive building programme in north Wales…..just a shame he never got round to finishing it!

With finances stretched to the limit and the Scots now increasingly effective in their resistance to the English monarch, his vice-like grip on Wales was beginning to slip. Edward or ‘Longshanks’, on account of his extraordinary height, was forced to focus his attention elsewhere and the rest is, quite literally, history…

Technically perfect and constructed according to an ingenious ‘walls within walls’ plan, Beaumaris Castle was the 13th-century hi-tech equivalent of a spaceship landing unceremoniously on Anglesey today.

You can usually complain if a neighbour’s extension plans are a bit on the large side. Seven centuries ago the problem was resolved rather differently. The population of Llanfaes was forcibly moved 12 miles (19km) away to Newborough to make way for Edward’s new castle. Want to create a fuss? Dare say, you’d probably be better off keeping your head down…or risk losing it!

News & Useful Info

Ask about free entry if you are 60 and over or 16 and under and live in Wales.

Adults £3.60 Reduced Rate £3.20Family Ticket £10.40 (admits 2 adults & all children under 16)Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. Prices valid until 31st March 2010

Last admission 30 mins before closing. 1 Apr-31 Oct 09: daily 9am-5pm. 1 Nov 09 -31 Mar 10: Mon-Sat 9.30am-4pm; Sun 11am-4pm Closed: 24, 25, 26 Dec, 1 Jan

Beaumaris Castle

Beaumaris Isle of Anglesey LL58 8AP United Kingdom

Tel: 01248 810361

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